In beginning of December 2016 I traveled to Thailand and Greece. I met the amazing Greenpeace East Asia, data insights, detox and climate & energy communities. I've been constantly impressed by how Greenpeace brings talented and passionate people together from around the world. In the past few weeks, I probably met and talked to more people than I ever would in a year. The diversity and quality of conversations were amazing. I can't wish for better.
On the first day of my mega trip, I took a 40 minute taxi ride to the airport, got on a 3 hour flight to Bangkok, took a 4 hour bus ride to Hua Hin, and took two minivans and got dropped off in front of a sketchy police station where no one else was around...
Finally two women from the B&B I stayed at came to pick me up. I started the day at 5am and now it's 10pm. I met a college student who studies programming on the first minivan and he helped me communicate with the driver. I met a woman on the second minivan who helped me call my B&. Both minivan drivers didn't charge me at all. They probably just wanted to help me out since I was the only foreigner on the vans....
(Sam Roi Yot National Park)
人生第一次自己一個人騎摩托車在異國蹓噠。路上有牛也有狗,還有在裝修電線桿的男孩向妳搖手say hello。因為怕死所以戴安全帽,因為戴安全帽所以大家都知道你是外國人。身為年輕女生一個人旅行很幸福,好像一個真誠的微笑就處處被照顧、處處被保護。
As I returned to Bangkok, I went out for a night to experience the salsa scene in the city. Nightlife in Bangkok, you see lots of foreigners and Thai women. There are no Thai men at all. Where do they all go? This is the weirdest thing in Thailand. And I'm getting used to seeing Thai women and white men couples here, or Filipino women and white men couples in the Philippines. It's just a norm in South East Asia...
Most foreigners thought I'm Thai, but the Thai women can tell I'm not. That was quite interesting.
Compared to Bangkok, nightlife in Athens is much more "normal". I was pretty fascinated and yet a bit overwhelmed by the amount of social life people have in Athens. There was a gazillion of restaurants, bars and cafes packed with people especially after 9pm. Even teenagers here go to bars-- they totally have night lives while Asian teenagers would be studying on most nights. Everyone's talking to one another and no one's on their phone--totally amazing and awesome. Couples hug and kiss openly and frequently in public. I thought people are extremely good-looking but the aesthetics seem to be more image-conscious rather than healthy. It's quite fun seeing just a bit of city life here. I'm sure there's a lot more in the country.
I spent my last weekend in Bangkok rock climbing at Nam Pha Pa Yai Camp just 2 hours outside of Bangkok. Like the salsa scene, the climbers here are predominantly foreigners. There's a surprising amount of French climbers. This past weekend is perhaps the most I've ever been exposed in a French speaking environment, though I'm in Thailand. Limestone is actually quite dirty, but climbing up in and out of the caves was lots of fun!
在曼谷最後一個周末就泡在這曼谷兩個小時外的攀岩營地裡。天氣極好,晚上起風,第一天晚上竟然被鬼壓床,嚇得我們隔天馬上去營地門口的小神壇拜一下。營區裡大概九成五都是西方人。我們整個周末都跟一群長極好看、住新加坡的法國人一起爬。法國人好優雅阿! 即使是曠野人士,從語調、身型到舉止,都溫文儒雅,真是神奇的文化體驗~
I then flew from Bangkok to Greece. This place has the best sunrise and sunset.
Taste of the Mediterranean
It was then clear to me if you ever ask Greek people questions, they're very likely to give you a "sure, why not?". How positive!
我遲疑了一下,有點擔心她會把我的手機就這樣拿走了。但當下決定相信她,拍完照,我們悠閒地聊天。她告訴我一些有關希臘的事。來之前我完全沒做功課,也只和兩三個希臘人真的聊到天。很難說我愛上了希臘,但我非常享受,也非常懷念閒坐在那冬陽下舉目皆古蹟和美人美景的地方。I hesitated, wasn't sure if she'd just take my camera after she shot, but I chose to trust her. She even told me how to pose. We then chatted, and had a genuine conversation. That moment was magical. The view was perfect, and so was the encounter.
Lycabettus Hill from many angles.
吃了一周的泰國菜,一周的希臘料理,最後一天到了香港機場我只想來碗中式熱清湯。於是我到了機場一家茶餐廳,點了雲吞湯。沒想到餐廳居然不收信用卡。我的後面來了位臺灣口音的男生,我立馬問他:你是臺灣人嗎?他說是。好心的他願意幫我先用人民幣付錢,還收我不到餐費全部的台幣。 一聊之下,發現他是Taco Chen清大機械的學弟,在腳踏車架製造業工作要去深圳出差。世界真小,臺灣最美真是人情。
While it's nice to be back, I'm embarking on another journey again :) Can't wait!